En liten förhandsvisning...

Källa: Destination.se
2009-07-31 @ 19:56:44
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2009-07-31 @ 17:22:12
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Angel of Night

When evening falls and dawn goes by,
as day turns into silent night.
We rest under the midnight sky,
and count the million stars at sight.
As we lie there suddenly you see
a star that is extremely bright.
The fairest star there'll ever be,
a glorious sparkling light.
A guardian angel then appears,
an angel with a spirit white.
She spreads her wings and wipe your tears,
she's here to guide you through the night.
as day turns into silent night.
We rest under the midnight sky,
and count the million stars at sight.
As we lie there suddenly you see
a star that is extremely bright.
The fairest star there'll ever be,
a glorious sparkling light.
A guardian angel then appears,
an angel with a spirit white.
She spreads her wings and wipe your tears,
she's here to guide you through the night.
2009-07-19 @ 05:45:05
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Det har sina fördelar att bo "på landet"... Den här lilla parveln återkommer år efter år (eller nåja, om det är samma låter jag vara osagt men igelkottarna återkommer i alla fall varje sommar!)
2009-07-16 @ 21:29:37
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Permalink Livet & jag Kommentarer (0)
Äntligen! Fyra orörda veckor ligger framför mig och jag ska bara njuta. Njuta av min lilla oas och av allt annat skönt som sommaren har att erbjuda.

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